My publisher, Cedar Fort Books, is a subscriber to NetGalley, a new online service for the electronic delivery of galleys and press materials. This cool, new technology provides wonderful opportunity of distributing these materials to the media electronically, saving thousands upon thousands of pages of paper. Even better, it's FREE!
What’s great about NetGalley is that you will be able to register and use this service to view new titles from Cedar Fort Publishing at no cost. You can read galleys online, download PDF versions to read on your computer or nook, read on your Kindle or Sony Reader, and search within galleys.
Through NetGalley, you can view marketing materials, book trailers, photos, author bios, cover art and more. Plus, NetGalley will reduce our environmental impact by utilizing digital content to get our titles into your hands faster!
Visit http://www.netgalley.com/ to register and request to view Cedar Fort Publishing’s galleys. Don't you just love technology? And by the way, check out Cedar Fort's new facelift on their web site! Great job, team!