For people who love to read and don't have enough space for their treasures!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Surround yourself with great literature!
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: books, literature, Trina Boice
Sunday, October 21, 2012
How do you write a bestseller?
by Trina Boice
Once you've gone to all the trouble of writing a book…
It just makes sense to put in the little extra effort it takes to make it a bestseller. In fact…
It's almost ESSENTIAL for anyone hoping to turn their book, their message, into a solid income-producing career of coaching, public speaking, and further publishing success.
You see … a book, by itself, is not a business.
But when you can add “best-selling author” to your resume, you throw open the doors of possibility.
The trouble is:
Most authors have no clue how to do it!
But Peggy McColl sure does.
And on Monday, October 30th at 3pm ET you can join Peggy as she explains not only how to make YOUR book a bestseller (whether you’ve written it yet, or not) … but also how to use your new bestseller status as a springboard for spreading your message through speaking engagements, coaching programs, and more.
…and hopefully make a VERY comfortable living from it, too! (As she does.)
If you'd like to see how it's done, simply use the following link to visit the registration page. (Yes, you do need to register even though it's free because attendance is limited.)
You'll also find more details on this event there, too.
P.S. – This special online training event is for ALL authors who are serious about doing more than merely “write a book”. If you too would like to become a “bestselling author” and leverage that success into a full-blown, high-paying career…
Then this definitely is for you! Please act quickly so you won’t miss out – use the link below to register today:
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: author, bestseller, Book Marketing, coach, train, Trina Boice, webinar, writer
Friday, October 19, 2012
I haven't blogged for a while. Life's been busy. You know how it is. I read The Lost Stones back in August but haven't shared yet so here we go.
The Lost Stones is an intriguing, LDS centered treasure hunt in the tradition of National Treasure and Indiana Jones. I always love a good treasure hunt, thus my upcoming December release, Gold Clash. Who doesn't enjoy a mystery wrapped in hidden clues of ancient artifacts? Like any good hunt, the good guys aren't the only ones searching.
Evil assassins and criminal masterminds threaten Ammon, John and Sariah as they search for the lost stones that lit the the vessels that carried the Brother of Jared and his people to the American continent. This wild search may even help Ammon uncover mysteries from his past.
At first thought, the premise of searching for the lost stones of the Brother of Jared caught me off guard and struck me as a bit far fetched, but as I considered the theory and suspended disbelief, I really enjoyed this story. Why not? For Mormon's who believe in the literal history of the Book of Mormon it is fun to speculate about artifacts such as lost stones that may, or may not, hold the key to an unknown power source (how else could they be lit up in the barges). They existed thousands of years ago. Where are they now?
At times the Mormon lore and faith promoting testimony may seem a bit heavy handed, but its all in good fun. I enjoy a book that forces you to consider new possibilities. This is a solid first effort by Paul Rimmasch and I congratulate him on this fun adventure.
Posted by Steve Westover at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Learn more about Ning writers
by Trina Boice
I love it when you can attend workshops in your pajamas! Check out this informative list of presentations that will be offered this month online:
Fall on the Ning
Saturday, October 20th, 2012
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for Fall on the Ning—a free online writers conference sponsored by iWriteNetwork.
9:00 - Tristi Pinkston will walk you through some of the basic steps of editing your first draft—identifying and filling up holes, strengthening character motivations, and of course, those dreaded typos. Be prepared to take lots of notes, and have your first draft handy!
10:00 - Canda Mortensen will lead the discussion for the "Brush Strokes" class which will focus on 5 techniques by Harry Noden for improving the action, emotion, and style of sentences. Come prepared to rework and share sentences in your current work in progress. This type of revision works best with important scenes. Identify key sentences to rework during the class.
11:00 – Deanna Henderson will teach you to use Animoto, a program you can use to make short book trailers, create contest advertising, or just for fun. For our purposes, we’ll be making a book trailer, even if you aren't done with the book. Come with a few images downloaded to your computer that relate and that you want to use.
Be sure to sign up for the Ning at ahead of time so you can join us for this fantastic event!
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: author, books, Canda Mortensen, conference, Deanna Henderson, iwritenetwork, Ning, online, Trina Boice, Tristi Pinkston, workshop, write
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Grammar Geeks Unite on National Punctuation Day!
Did you know that September 24th has officially been declared as a celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotation marks, and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis? Well, now you do, so let the party begin!#$?!
Our words, both spoken and verbal, really affect our brand and how others perceive us.
The ninth annual National Punctuation Day®, the September 24 holiday that reminds
The rules: Write one paragraph with a maximum of three sentences using the following 13 punctuation marks to explain which should be “presidential,” and why: apostrophe, brackets, colon, comma, dash, ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, parentheses, period, question mark, quotation mark, and semicolon. You may use a punctuation mark more than once, and there is no word limit. Multiple entries are permitted.
In short, persuade them that your favorite punctuation mark should be the official punctuation mark of the President of the
In 2011, 220 entries in their paragraph contest were received from the
Have a great punctuation day!
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: comma, Contest, ellipsis, grammar, literary, national punctuation day, period, presidential, prize, punctuation, semicolon, september 24, Trina Boice, win, write, writer
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Your word is your brand
During the past decade or so, email "Do's and Don'ts" have evolved and will probably continue to do so. One of the classes offered at Workplace ESL Solutions is Business Writing, where you'll learn how to write concisely and professionally. Every word that leaves your mouth or your pen reveals a little bit about you and creates your brand, whether for good or for bad. It's important to know how to do it any language!
To help get you started, below is a list of some helpful tips to improve your email writing:
* Write a clear subject in the subject line
* Divvy up a long email with several topics into separate short emails that address one topic
* Press the send button after doing a quick edit and spell check
* Keep sentences short
* Don't use text abbreviations in emails
* Keep paragraphs short
* Use white space between paragraphs
* Respond quickly to an email you receive
* Write in all caps
* Reply to "all" without paying attention to who is going to read it
* Forward inappropriate jokes at work
* Write long, long emails so the reader has to scroll
* Use "urgent" or "important" on every email you write
Happy emailing!
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: brand, business writing, email, professional, Workplace ESL, write
Sunday, August 26, 2012
in Elements of Style
Do you write for your company? Newsletters? Emails? Grants? Copy for collateral? If so, then everything you write reflects upon the company. Our words, both spoken and written, create images that either build or hurt our brand.
Good grammar can instill confidence in your customers and employees. We all make mistakes, but don't worry that the Grammar Police will arrest you or fire you. Just pay attention to what you write before you send it out.

Below are a dozen words that are commonly used incorrectly. Just a quick review of your writing can avoid embarassing mistakes. Feel free to print this out and keep it by your computer for future reference.
Trina Boice
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: business writing, collateral, copyright, grammar, tips, write, writer
Sunday, July 22, 2012
What Do YOU Read in Bed?
Let's get some fun comments going....what book is on your bedside table RIGHT NOW?
Me? I'm reading "Get Rich Click." Your turn...
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: bed, book, comment, read, Trina Boice
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Is Chicken Soup in Your Soul?
The Chicken Soup book franchise has been hugely successful over the past years. If you've never read one of their books, you really are missing out on a soulful experience. If you're a writer or someone who has had an inspiring experience that could be shared with others, you can submit your stories at:
I tried submitting an idea for a great book I thought they should write, but they're not accepting that kind of proposal. They are, however, actively looking for contributors for the following books:
20th Anniversary Reader's Choice
To celebrate our twenty-year anniversary next summer, we are planning a book in which contributors tell us how a Chicken Soup for the Soul story changed their lives. If a Chicken Soup for the Soul story made a big difference to you, tell us the name of the story and the book in which it appeared, and then write us a new Chicken Soup for the Soul story all about how the old story helped you. We'll publish the stories in pairs -- the old ones and the new ones. The deadline for story submissions is November 30, 2012.
Angels Among Us
We are looking for stories from people who believe that they have encountered or been helped by angels. How did your angel manifest himself or herself? How did your angel help you or someone you know? Please do not send stories about people who are "angels" because they do nice things, and also please do not submit eulogies where you say that your loved one is now an angel. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is July 31, 2012.
Great Advice for Making Changes in Your Life
Have you ever read a Chicken Soup for the Soul story that had a wonderful nugget of advice in it that made a difference in your life? We are looking for stories that contain great pieces of advice, whether they are little things that improve our everyday lives, or major epiphanies that can change a life completely. Topics we will cover include advice related to work and personal relationships, marriage, parenting, health and fitness, finances, constructive criticism, taking chances, and following your passion. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is August 31, 2012.
Independent Woman
Whether you are single or married, widowed, or divorced, you are in charge of your life and the lives of many other people. Tell us your story about running your independent life, achieving independence, and being a complete person. We are referring to all kinds of independence, not just financial or emotional. Share your story of empowerment and independence to help women of all ages feel stronger, more capable, and more confident. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is July 31, 2012
Raising Kids on the Spectrum
If you are the parent of a child with autism or Asperger's, we invite you to share your story about raising your child - the ups and downs, the effect on your family, your child's special attributes and talents, and the lighter moments too. You may use a "pen name" on your story. These stories will provide advice, comfort and insight to other parents in the same situation. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is September 30, 2012.
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: angels, Chicken Soup, experience, parenting, reader, soul, Trina Boice, writer
Friday, July 13, 2012
Get Dan Poynter's newest book on writing for FREE!
by Trina Boice
Dan Poynter is know as an author's "guru" and now he's sharing his great wisdom for free!
Cashing in on Publishing, Faster, Easier, & Cheaper.
by Dan Poynter
Discover the resources to research your market, title, and information sources. Then follow the steps for writing your book. A superb, easy, and fun guide.
Essential recommendations for fiction, non fiction, ebooks and printed books.
Download the book free on one day:
Friday, July 13 & Saturday, July 14, from midnight to midnight, Pacific time.
Log on to the Amazon page for this book and you will note that your price on Friday & Saturday is $0.00
--How large is your potential reading market
--Where to find the information for your book
--How and where to sell your book online
--Organizational steps that make writing your book quick, easy, and fun.
—John Tullius, Director, Maui Writers Conference.
—Jack Canfield, co-author,
Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
—Dr. Robert Müller,
Author & Past Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.
ISBN Ebook Edition: 978-1-56860-154-0
ASIN: B007VP66Z0
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: author, Dan Poynter, Dr. Rober Muller, ebook, ereader, free, Jack Canfield, John Tullius, Kindle, publish, Trina Boice, writer
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
How Well Do We Know Our Characters?
I had originally planned to attend the Provo Storymakers Conference this year but was unable to attend so I’m thrilled to have a second shot at meeting many of my favorite LDS authors. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attend a great conference near Kansas City. I am also very excited about this as I will be presenting two workshops: 1) The First 5 Pages and 2) YA genre. It should be loads of fun. Sign up today!
Posted by Steve Westover at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Transformational Author Experience
TAE is like an on-line author workshop. I decided it would be a good learning experience, and it was. I'd like to share some advice from the author, Lisa Nichols.
Lisa struggled in school only to find out later that she is a creative learner, a kinesthetic, tactile learner. In her last English course, she failed the class. In front of the entire class her teacher said, "Lisa, you have to be the weakest writer I've ever met in my entire life." In her first and last speech class she got a D. Her teacher recommended that she never speak in public.
What she learned from all of this is that some motivation comes wrapped in sandpaper or covered with nails.The words of her teachers became her motivator . . .her fuel . . . giving her that "I'll show you" motivation.
In her words; "If you can place situations in your life that are challenging or hard . . . that may not be all they are because you can't determine or define every situation to be the way you want them to be, re-purpose them to serve as your fuel, not your fortress between you and your goal. You can change any situation from being your reason why not to becoming your reason why to."
She continues. "That's what I did. I put a placeholder in my life and I said, 'Listen, this was the first 6 chapters of my life, but the next 6 chapters are blank sheets of paper and I hold the pen in my hand. I can either copy and paste the old story into a new chapter or I can re-write or write, for the time, a new experience."
Have a great day.
Posted by JoAnn Arnold at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2012
Show The Love for the Storymakers Midwest Conference!
(Reposted from
Show The Love for the Storymakers Midwest Conference!
And of course, we at Storymakers never ask for help without some awesome prizes up for grabs . . .
- Query letter critique by Kirk Shaw, former editor at Covenant Communications
- 50 page critique from Precision Editing Group
- 30 page edit & review from Ferguson Authors Editing
- 15 page critique from author & editor Tristi Pinkston
Now that you're drooling, let me share how you can help & enter for a chance to win. Everyone is welcome to participate!
- Blog about the Storymakers Midwest Writers Conference and link to the conference site. This is worth 5 entries.
- Blog about the Show Your Love contest and link back to the original post. This is also worth 5 entries.
- Grab the html for the conference button and add it to your blog or website. Be sure to use the html so the link works. =) This is worth an additional 5 points.
![]() |
- Become a fan of the LDStorymakers Conference Facebook page and invite 5 friends to become fans. This is worth 1 Entry (limit 5 entries).
- Mention the conference and/or the contest on Twitter. Either post the link in your tweet, or use the hashtag #StorymakerMW. This is worth 1 entry per day, up to 5 per week.
Shout It Out Loud!
Be sure and go to the original post and leave comments to let us know what you've done. Keep the hype up and return often! Everyone is welcome to participate, including attendees, presenters, and those who wish they could attend. The Show the Love Contest ends at midnight (CT) on July 31st. We will announce the winners before August 10th. If your e-mail isn't accessible through your Blogger profile, please leave it with one of your comments so we can contact you. Winning, and not knowing it, would be pretty rotten.
Join Us!
If you haven't registered for the Storymakers Midwest Conference, you can learn more about & register here.
Posted by Don at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Lightning Tree by Sarah Dunster
Lightning Tree, by Sarah Dunster is an intriguing and often sad story about the life of a pioneer orphan, Maggie. Set against the political and social intrigue of the "Cedar Incident" Maggie must find ways to cope in a new and often inhospitable environment with a heartless adopted mother and a sometimes indifferent adopted father. Nightmares slowly remind Maggie of the terrible events that have unfolded in her life, events that she suppressed because they are too awful to remember, but her memories are not always accurate which adds to the pain and confusion she feels. Dunster does a wonderful job of exploring Maggie's pain. It really is heartbreaking, but she does it in a way that is exciting enough to keep me turning the pages. While I admit that I found myself most drawn to the political intrigue and secrecy surrounding the "Cedar Incident", Lightning Tree successfully mingles the emotional struggles of the individual with the social struggles of the community. This was a fascinating read, and while Maggie's dramatic personal conflict sometimes overpowers the political I think there is plenty in this book to keep both the male and female reader engaged.
Posted by Steve Westover at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cedar Fort, cedar incident, Dunster, lightning tree
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
We Never Quite Learning.
Posted by JoAnn Arnold at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 4, 2012
Getting Paid To Give Away Free Books
--How to set up your ebook for the Freebie Days.
--Promotion. Where to send announcements. A valuable, long list.
--Tracking your downloads and sales.
--Responding to emails from your new readers/friends.
--Detailed steps and advice. No generalities.
—John Tullius, Director, Maui Writers Conference.
—Jack Canfield, co-author,
Chicken Soup for the Soul series
—Dr. Robert Müller,
Author and Past Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.
To sign up for his free author newsletter, go to:
Good luck out there in the book world!
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: advertising, Amazon, author, book, customer, Dan Poynter, ebook, free, KDP Select, Marketing, newsletter, publishing, sell, Trina Boice
Monday, May 28, 2012
Win a FREE Roku by submitting ideas!
Win a NEW Roku HD player with 450+ entertainment channels available, including hundreds of free movies.
Submit a topic for the final episode of my online book How to Stay UP in a DOWN Economy. If your episode idea is selected, you will win a ROKU HD Streaming TV player. If there are multiple suggestions with the same topic, we will hold a drawing for the winner.
Submit your ideas to Be sure to include your first and last name. The winner will be notified by email. Contest ends Friday, June 15th at midnight. The winner will be announced June 25th, and the season finale episode will air on July 25th.
By submitting your suggestion, you agree that your topic may be used as an upcoming episode, even if it isn't selected for the first prize as the Season 3 finale. Sponsored by Trina Boice's How to Stay UP in a DOWN Economy and
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big World Network, Contest, free, How to Stay Up in a Down Economy, Roku, submission, Trina Boice, win
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Better Late than Never
Sorry I'm late in posting. I have no excuse except for the fact that I let other things get in the way. However,
I have good news. I just finished the final rewrite on a manuscript I've been working on for over a year. There were many times I wanted to just delete it from the computer and go on with life in a different story. But a little voice inside me just kept nagging at me, saying "Don't give up. Don't give up." Now we'll see where it goes from here.
This morning, while cleaning out my office closet, I found, inside one of my larger than large art envelopes, several portraits I had done in pastels, in the year 2002. I looked at them with renewed interest, thinking they were truly well done, and I asked myself, "What if I had not simply put them away, but used them as a guide to create even better pastels?"
I found a jacket I had crochet over 10 years ago, that only needs back, front and sleeves stitched together. That's all that's left to do.( My excuse? I ran out of crochet thread.) Wow! and that why its still folded up in a sewing bag? Then I found a baby afghan I was crocheting with only another 8 inches of length to go. Plenty of crochet thread is laying with it.(No excuses).
I have an idea. While I've been writing this, I had to stop and help my husband find a birthday card for our granddaughter. That took all of 5 minutes. Now, if you add up all the minutes of interruptions to get something else done, would it make a good excuse for all the undone things in our lives.
There are times when we have priorities that take us away from the manuscript, the art work, etc, and there are times when we get discourage, overwhelmed, exhausted, etc., and that's okay. Sometimes we need to step away. Just don't forget to step forward, again.
Pres. Uchtdorf made a statement that stays with me even when I'm struggling. He said,"The more you rely on the spirit, the greater your capacity to create."
Have a great day.
Posted by JoAnn Arnold at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 21, 2012
My Five Years of LDStorymakers
I attended my very first LDStorymakers conference in 2008. It was held in late March, which coincided with Spring Break here in Texas, allowing me to drive up with my girls, helping to justify the trip. I had finally decided to take my writing self seriously, and threw myself into learning about both the LDS market and the authors who had succeeded there.
I hadn't personally met anyone in the LDS writing community at this point, but by frequenting writer's blogs and reading their work, I had come to know and admire a number of people. Including the lovely and talented Tristi Pinkston, who's quarterly writing challenges played a big roll in my developing a positive writing ethic.
After that conference, I knew I would be back, despite living 1000 miles away. I set two goals for LDStorymakers 2009: To enter the first chapter contest, and have my book done so I could pitch it to one of the LDS publishers.
I had a great time at LDStorymakers 2009. I was much more comfortable with myself, many of my writing friends from 2008 were there, and I met a number of new friends as well. There was still so much to learn, too!
My first chapter for Space Corp General won first place in the Youth Speculative Fiction category, I (barely) kept from passing out as I waited to do my pitch, and I took another picture with Tristi Pinkston.
By LDStorymakers 2010, I had a contract with Cedar Fort for my new book, and it was while at the conference that I learned the title: Bumpy Landings.
And there were even more new friends. So many new friends that I may have, somehow, forgotten to get a picture with Tristi.
But I remembered in 2011!
By the time this conference rolled around, my book had been out for several months, and I was a proud badge-wearing member of the LDStorymakers family. And yet even though I had a published work of my own, there were (are) still so many things for me to learn!
Shortly after the 2011 conference ended, I was asked to be on the committee for the 2012 conference. Talk about an amazing experience! Working with Jaime and Heather and the rest of the committee to help put together this most recent conference was a great honor, and a fun way to keep Storymakers in my heart all year long. I also had the chance to present a workshop this year, which was extremely fun.
And I got to hang out with Tristi again.
After past conferences, I may have, on occasion, gotten a bit choked up at the thought that I would have to wait a full year for this awesome conference to come around again. But I have been asked to co-chair the 2013 conference with Heather Justesen, and there has been no time for tears this year!
Between preparing for next year's conference and the first-ever 2012 LDStorymakers Midwest Writers Conference this September, every day has been LDStorymakers.
And I couldn't be happier.
Posted by Don at 7:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Free Training for Authors Who Want To Make It Big!
by Trina Boice
Do you enjoy helping and inspiring other people? Do you want to write a book that will keep people talking and change their lives for the better? Think big!
If so, then you've got to see what Christine Kloser is up to!
She has persuaded an amazing group of NY Times bestselling authors, transformational leaders and
publishing industry experts to give you their best guidance, tips, wisdom and practical advice on how
to become a successful author...for free!
She calls this online event the "Transformational Author Experience" - and you can participate from
anywhere (no travel needed) and it won't cost you a penny! Yay! I love free!
This is a rare opportunity to learn writing and publishing secrets from the world's top experts -
including bestselling authors like...
* Neale Donald Walsh
* Arielle Ford
* Lisa Nichols
* Barbara Marx Hubbard
And publishing insiders like...
* Reid Tracy (President and CEO of Hay House)
* Marc Allen (Publisher of Eckhart Tolle's "Power of Now")
* Bill Gladstone (Agent for Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch)
* Dan Poynter (Self-Publishing Expert)
* Sandy Powell (President of Hay House's Balboa Press)
And many others.
In fact there are 21 experts - all ready to help you write, publish and market your book so you can
get your message out to the world.
All of the classes are organized into a 7-step system for transforming your book "idea" into a
published book - and a thriving business!
Register now and discover how you could win a chance to BE the next big transformational author
in the Transformational Author Writing Contest.
Getting your book idea in front of agents and publishers has always been difficult. That's why
these prizes are so exciting...
You could win...
* Guaranteed agency representation by Bill Gladstone (Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch's
* Personal review of your book proposal (and consideration for a traditional publishing
contract) by Marc Allen, President and Publisher of New World Library...
* Publishing packages with Hay House's Balboa Press...
* And much more!
So, if you've ever wondered how YOUR idea can become the next great transformational book...
If you love the thought of getting your book proposal hand-delivered to the publisher who made
Eckhart Tolle famous...
Or felt frustrated you're not impacting more people and making more money as an author (or
soon-to-be author)...
This program may be the answer to your prayers!
I hope you'll see the miracle of this invitation showing up in YOUR inbox today.
And, I trust you'll accept this gift and choose to pursue your dream of becoming a successful,
transformational author (and entrepreneur).
Everything you need to know is in this program, and it's FREE... so you have nothing to lose and
your DREAM to gain!
I look forward to "seeing" you there!
To your success,
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Do writers need to be good spellers?
Do writers need to be good spellers? Some writers will say that's what a good editor is for!
I teach classes for Workplace ESL Solutions. We specialize in English as a Second language, Spanish for workplace managers, citizenship, and business writing tips. There is a super helpful article we posted on our Linked In group that lists the 100 words most commonly misspelled ('misspell' is one of them). Dr. Language has provided a one-stop cure for all your spelling ills. Each word has a mnemonic pill with it and, if you swallow it, it will help you to remember how to spell the word. Master the orthography of the words on this page and reduce the time you spend searching dictionaries by 50%.
Here are just the words that start with the letter "A" to get you started...
- acceptable - Several words made the list because of the suffix pronounced -êbl but sometimes spelled -ible, sometimes -able. Just remember to accept any table offered to you and you will spell this word OK.
- accidentally - It is no accident that the test for adverbs on -ly is whether they come from an adjective on -al ("accidental" in this case). If so, the -al has to be in the spelling. No publical, then publicly.
- accommodate - Remember, this word is large enough to accommodate both a double "c" AND a double "m."
- acquire - Try to acquire the knowledge that this word and the next began with the prefix ad- but the [d] converts to [c] before [q].
- acquit - See the previous discussion.
- a lot - Two words! Hopefully, you won't have to allot a lot of time to this problem.
- amateur - Amateurs need not be mature: this word ends on the French suffix -eur (the equivalent of English -er).
- apparent - A parent need not be apparent but "apparent" must pay the rent, so remember this word always has the rent.
- argument - Let's not argue about the loss of this verb's silent [e] before the suffix -ment.
- atheist - Lord help you remember that this word comprises the prefix a- "not" + the "god" (also in the-ology) + -ist "one who believes."
Posted by Movie Review Mom at 1:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: author, book, editor, LDS, read, spell, Trina Boice, writer